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Para­mount Prop­erty | Chi­nese New Year Dinner

by /​ Mon­day, 04 Jan­u­ary 2016 /​ Pub­lished in Events

Para­mount Prop­erty — Event Man­age­ment Malaysia 2015 | Chi­nese New Year Dinner

Every year Para­mount Prop­erty has a Chi­nese New Year din­ner and it is usu­ally mapped out by their inter­nal staff man­age­ment. This year, they decided to step-​it-​up by hir­ing an Events Agency and we hap­pen to fit in their requirements.

Event Management KL

Event Day Low-​down:

Ini­tially this din­ner was sup­pos­edly to hap­pen within their com­pound grounds out­side the office head­quar­ters. This is how it has been done all these years. When we met the clients for the event brief, we dis­cussed mat­ters and came to a con­clu­sion to have it in a hall which was at KDU Uni­ver­sity Col­lege, Glen­marie and bring in more event sup­plies con­trary to the pre­vi­ous years.

Event Management KL

They were out­go­ing and will­ing to spend due to the bud­get in hand for the year thus we brought in an LED back­drop [20ft x 10ft], turned the whole hall around with CNY décor’s along­side other din­ner sup­ply neces­si­ties. This event was hosted once again by our CEO – Mr. Din­dran and ensured there were many rib-​tickling moments dur­ing show time. The client’s guest and staff were very out­go­ing dur­ing the emcee games ses­sion, many par­tic­i­pated with­out the need for the emcee to run around and beg for attention.

Event Management KL

Event Management Malaysia

There were the usual awards pre­sen­ta­tion, lucky draws and not to for­get a beau­ti­ful heart­warm­ing speech that was given by the CEO – Mr. Jef­frey Chew of Para­mount Prop­erty. The event sailed through smoothly from setup to show time and we man­age to wrap up the dis­man­tle process within two hours after the show was fin­ished. Kudos to the rip & dis­man­tle team plus the Ice Cream Events cool crew who stayed by and ensure all was well.

Event Management Malaysia

Event Management Malaysia

We look for­ward to han­dling this event again for our dear­est client, let’s hope they feel the same way.

Event Man­age­ment in Malaysia:

Ice Cream Events, The Cool Crew

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