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I-​Scream Amaz­ing Trail A Success!

by /​ Sat­ur­day, 24 Sep­tem­ber 2011 /​ Pub­lished in Events

04Our event man­age­ment Malaysia trea­sure hunt on the 6th of August was an enjoy­ment with­out a doubt. We kick started the event at 9.30am with a 1 hour brief­ing for our par­tic­i­pants right before flag­ging off. Ques­tion papers and clues were then given out at the flag off point at SeGi Col­lege main gate. Con­tes­tants then made their way swerv­ing and solv­ing clues to obtain their answers for their hunt ques­tions based on event com­pa­nies in KL, branded out­lets and other ser­vice providers.

The chal­lenge sta­tions are where all of it got spiced up. Par­tic­i­pants had to undergo two chal­lenges which one out of the chal­lenges almost made them blow smoke out! They were each given a bag of self-​made spicy bis­cuits. Every team mem­ber would have to fin­ish it, prior to that stick their tongue out to show the mar­shals that they have com­pletely fin­ished it. To stir it up, no water was given for con­sump­tion dur­ing the chal­lenge and many tears of joy were seen on the day.

Ice Cream Events Amazing Race Flag OffIce Cream Events Amazing Race Flag OffIce Cream Events Amazing Race Flag Off

The sec­ond chal­lenge that they had to com­plete was to get two team mem­bers to par­tic­i­pate, and both of them would then have to drink fin­ish a can of car­bon­ated soft drink within a minute adding, step­ping flat the can and try­ing to aim for a con­tainer that was kept at a 7 foot range. Right after being phys­i­cal and psy­cho!, they then drove of fin­ish­ing the final sec­tor of the hunt ques­tions while mak­ing their way to the fin­ish station.

Ice Cream Events Amazing Race Flag Off

08Ice Cream Events Amazing Race Flag Off

At the fin­ish sta­tion, teams had one last chal­lenge to com­plete which was to go down a long slide while count­ing ice creams on a sheet of col­or­ful paper. After reach­ing the bot­tom of the slide the con­tes­tant would have to give up their color sheet and imme­di­ately tell his/​her answer to the mar­shal. This chal­lenge only required one per­son from the team that lead the rest of the mem­bers in the team to sub­mit their final answers and head for some tasty light refresh­ments like no other event com­pany in KL does ;)

To end the day, we pre­sented the whole walk through of the hunt with images that blew many up in bub­bles. Not to for­get there was also the prize giv­ing ses­sion that later made shoes walk. It was over­all a great expe­ri­ence, even for us and it was our plea­sure orga­niz­ing it for our friends and mem­bers under the events man­age­ment Kuala Lumpur sector.

Ice Cream Events Amazing Race Flag OffIce Cream Events Amazing Race Flag OffIce Cream Events Amazing Race Flag OffIce Cream Events Amazing Race Flag Off

Till then, have a cool day.
Ice Cream Events Man­age­ment Asia

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