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A Malaysian pho­tog­ra­pher, Fwu Kai Quah, went on a 4-​year long adven­ture to cap­ture and show­case the wide range of land­scapes across Malaysia.

He not only wanted to show his love for the land he was born in, but also to edu­cate oth­ers about Malaysia’s breath­tak­ing beauty that most of the out­side world is obliv­i­ous to.


Why 3D Print­ing Is The Future

Fri­day, 11 Sep­tem­ber 2015 by

Say good­bye to inte­rior dec­o­ra­tors, the future of indoor design will be run by 3D printers!

These archi­tects printed an entire room, cre­at­ing a 16-​square-​meter cube adorned with unbe­liev­able orna­men­ta­tion that looks like it belongs in a futur­is­tic cathedral.

Looks like the future is here folks!

These hand­picked pho­tographs are sure to por­tray an unusual per­spec­tive of well-​known things, places or phenomena.


#1 Known as the Dragon’s head, the Great Wall of China begins right on the shore of the sea at the Shan­haiguan District.


Fel­low Malaysians, put those Bata shoes down, throw those Maggi pack­ets back into your top shelf. Just Kidding!

Here are the 9 brands you might have prob­a­bly thought were from good ol’ Malaysia, but in truth are from some exotic far­away land!

What Did Famous Malaysians Study in Col­lege?

Thurs­day, 03 Sep­tem­ber 2015 by

Rich & Famous Cover Photo

What Did Famous Malaysians Study in College?

Did Joel Neoh and Yuna work in a career related to their degrees?

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