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Kam­pung Boy

by /​ Mon­day, 21 Sep­tem­ber 2015 /​ Pub­lished in Ice Cool Arti­cles


Malaysia’s favorite graphic novel by Lat, is about a young boy’s expe­ri­ence grow­ing up in a rural Perak in the 1950’s. What many didn’t know is that the book is actu­ally an auto­bi­og­ra­phy of the artist’s life, telling adven­tures of his own in the jun­gles and tin mines.


The comic was first pub­lished in 1979 by Berita Pub­lish­ing, The Kam­pung Boy was a com­mer­cial and crit­i­cal suc­cess. The book made Lat an inter­na­tional fig­ure and a highly regarded car­toon­ist in Malaysia. After win­ning sev­eral awards, The Kam­pung Boy became a hit fran­chise, with the char­ac­ters of the comic dec­o­rat­ing cal­en­dars, stamps and even on airplanes.


The dis­trict appar­ently has changed con­sid­er­ably since Lat’s youth; this book describes a life that is all the more attrac­tive for its dis­ap­pear­ance. The pro­tag­o­nists him­self must leave this world behind, in this case, a mix­ture of excite­ment and regret as he departs for board­ing school with his grandmother’s words ring­ing in his ears: “Be hum­ble because we are a hum­ble peo­ple. Always remem­ber God and don’t for­get about us back here in the kampung.”


The book’s audi­ence not only won’t for­get, they’ll wish for more (which brings us to his sec­ond install­ment of this auto­bi­og­ra­phy, Town Boy). Town Boy, the sequel, is a story of Mat’s adven­ture to the mul­ti­cul­tural city of Ipoh, where he attends school, learns of Amer­i­can pop music, and makes new friends of var­i­ous races. Mat grows into his teens, he dates Normah, “the hottest girl in Ipoh.” Town Boy’s story is a col­lec­tion of Lat’s rem­i­nis­cences about his teenage days in Ipoh. The book’s lay­out is more var­ied than The Kam­pung Boy’s, fea­tur­ing “short multi-​panel sequences with giant double-​page-​spread-​drawings.” The comic is filled with vigor and raw energy, entirely based on eccen­tric styl­iza­tions but grounded with an eye capa­ble of won­der­fully accu­rate obser­va­tion of the real world.


Talk about a blast to the past!




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