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You wouldn’t believe where these pic­tures were taken!

by /​ Wednes­day, 16 Sep­tem­ber 2015 /​ Pub­lished in Ice Cool Arti­cles

A Malaysian pho­tog­ra­pher, Fwu Kai Quah, went on a 4-​year long adven­ture to cap­ture and show­case the wide range of land­scapes across Malaysia.

He not only wanted to show his love for the land he was born in, but also to edu­cate oth­ers about Malaysia’s breath­tak­ing beauty that most of the out­side world is obliv­i­ous to.


His project, titled ‘ Tana­hair ku’, Quah shared with Reuters about his expe­ri­ence he had from film­ing through­out Malaysia. He had come across wild ani­mals in the forests to meet­ing tribes whose lan­guage he could barely speak and understand.


Quah also spoke about his biggest chal­lenge while film­ing the video, which was bat­tling the weather, as he had to be at the right place and the right time in order to get the per­fect shot! Our hero!


Not to men­tion, he had to with­stand the cold in order to get the Milky Way footage. It was an exhil­a­rat­ing expe­ri­ence indeed!


Quah, who is based in Penang, Malaysia, ini­tially started off as a nature land­scape pho­tog­ra­pher in the USA. He has always been ‘chas­ing and cap­tur­ing the best light’ with a mis­sion to share the beauty of our planet through his passion.


To top it all off, here’s a gor­geously shot video of Malaysia’s sub­lime Beauty across 13 states.

Ref­er­ence: http://​says​.com/​m​y​/​l​i​f​e​s​t​y​l​e​/​t​a​n​a​h​a​i​r​-​k​u​-​t​i​m​e​-​l​a​p​s​e​-​t​h​r​o​u​g​h​o​u​t​-​m​a​l​a​y​s​i​a

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