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Indian — Inspired Mater­nity Pho­tos are Noth­ing Short Of Beautiful.

by /​ Sat­ur­day, 26 Sep­tem­ber 2015 /​ Pub­lished in Ice Cool Arti­cles

Preeti Moberg, a wed­ding blog­ger, whom recently learned she was preg­nant, she wanted to tell peo­ple her way: Through a cel­e­bra­tory blog post cen­tered around an artis­tic, per­son­al­ized mater­nity photoshoot.

In her blog post intro­duc­ing the beau­ti­ful series, Preeti writes,

A cou­ple of months ago I had a lit­tle baby boy. But before this adorable trou­ble­maker showed up on Earth, I wanted to do a mater­nity shoot that was some­thing special.

A mater­nity shoot that showed the glit­ter and cul­ture of India, but also a photo shoot that was more than the clas­si­cal whimsical…

I wanted to see fine art meets mater­nity while main­tain­ing the joys part of being preg­nant [and] happy.

The mommy-​to-​be scoured Pin­ter­est and Google for inspi­ra­tion and rounded up a crew of tal­ented women to help cre­ate her dream shoot.

After heaps of plan­ning and prepa­ra­tion, the group got to work, with a pho­tog­ra­pher named Shhivika Chauhan at the helm of the project.

As you’ll see below, the shoot turned out to be gor­geous. More so, per­haps, than any­one could have imag­ined. Ladies: The bar has offi­cially been raised!

Preeti says she “spent a lot of time on Pin­ter­est and Google Images for inspi­ra­tion” for the mater­nity shoot.


She real­ized that there were very few pho­tographs of preg­nant Indian women to be found.


Preeti real­ized that she wanted to make her cul­ture the pri­mary theme of the photoshoot.


Wed­ding blog­ger by trade, Preeti had an access to pro­fes­sional con­tacts that she called on for help.


It indeed was a very styl­ish, mod­ern and yet tra­di­tion­ally themed event! It def­i­nitely was a spec­tac­u­lar pho­to­shoot!


Every­thing from the theme of the party, to the tra­di­tional saree that she was rock­ing, all the way down to the sweets: all so magical!




Preeti’s hus­band even posed for sev­eral of the beau­ti­ful photographs!


The shoot was held at The Light­house at Glen Cove Marina in Vallejo, California.


Which is undoubt­edly a per­fect set­ting for the shoot’s exotic vibe!


Preeti looked noth­ing short of stun­ning, and the shoot turned out exactly as she’d envisioned.


Noth­ing Short Of Beautiful!

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