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10 Unusual Degrees You Never Knew Existed

by /​ Fri­day, 28 August 2015 /​ Pub­lished in Ice Cool Arti­cles

Unusual Degrees intro

We all know that the major­ity of uni­ver­sity degrees sound bor­ing enough to put us to sleep. Well, if the tra­di­tional courses aren’t for your taste buds, here’s a list of unusual (and very real) degrees that you can study!

With a parade of stu­dents march­ing through the every­day Mascom/​Law/​Business courses, per­haps this is a dif­fer­ent tune to dif­fer­en­ti­ate your­self when you start hunt­ing for jobs. Your par­ents may need some con­vinc­ing though.

Unusual Degrees 1

Unusual Degrees 2

Unusual Degrees 3

Cita­tion: https://​edu​ad​vi​sor​.my/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​s​/​10​-​u​n​u​s​u​a​l​-​d​e​g​r​e​e​s​-​n​e​v​e​r​-​k​n​e​w​-​e​x​i​s​t​e​d​-​i​n​f​o​g​r​a​p​h​i​c​/

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