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Happy Malaysia Day 2015

by /​ Fri­day, 11 Sep­tem­ber 2015 /​ Pub­lished in Cel­e­bra­tions

malaysia day

The moment you realise that Sep­tem­ber 16 was the actual day Malaysia as-​we-​know-​it was born, you’d realise how great that moment was in his­tory that you’d cheat on that other moment from 1957, marry this one and raise a fam­ily of tiny lit­tle moments in the future.

Event in KL: Sep­tem­ber 16th 2015 Malaysia turns 52!

It’s inspir­ing how far we have come as a peo­ple with our own uniquely Malaysian iden­tity today.

We used to have a vari­ety of Malay, Chi­nese, Indian cui­sine but now we have con­ti­nen­tal, Arab, and other Asian fixes as well. A mat­ter of fact, we all can greet or speak each other’s lan­guages even by the slight­est to cre­ate famil­iar­ity. This alone is gold, to imag­ine soci­ety that can or has been liv­ing ever since this way.

We can shop at KL City, a haven rivaled by the likes of NYC and Lon­don itself, and we can party at all-​night at hang­outs only to adjourn to all-​night mamaks. We are prob­a­bly the few places in the world where we travel to other states in search of gas­tro­nom­i­cal adven­tures over visual aesthetics.

Our for­est reserves are fre­quented by botanists, geol­o­gists, and aspir­ing writ­ers and nature lovers. Our vil­lagers are the paragon of com­mu­nity spirit, the peace­ful hard workers.

Truly, Malaysia the gem is a place like no other.

Have a fun, enlight­en­ing and joy­ous Malaysia Day.

Proud to be a Malaysian.

Cool Crew–

More in this cat­e­gory: « Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
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